Gillian began her performance career in ballet, training at Terri
Charlesworth Ballet School and performing in Swan Lake at Perth’s Crown
Theatre. At 18, she moved to Melbourne to study at The Australian Film and
Television Academy's 20-Week Program. From 2017 to 2019, she attended
The Actors Hub in Perth, where she trained and performed in Physical
Theatre, Shakespeare, Chekhov, and Realism, along with screen acting.
After completing her studies, she went on to work on a music video for
Relevation Film Festival, Golden 8; a pilot children’s show, commercial voice
overs as well as continuing her training through various workshops in Perth.
Gillian also went on to produce and perform in her own stage productions;
'Contractions' by Mike Bartlett, 'All New People' by Zach Braff, and
'Necrophilia' by Lincoln Vickery. 'Necrophilia' was selected as a Fringe Judge
pick at the Melbourne Fringe Festival in 2023 and then another successful
season for Melbourne International Comedy Festival. Gillian is currently
rehearsing for Turning 25, a two hander play at The Butterfly Club in August
of 2024. She will also launch her first children’s book in December.